
Company Profile Of Food Packaging Business : SHINE DERYAN CORP

PBLL PACKAGING BUSINESS Hello, i'am Rury Pramesti from 3A Publishing State Polytechnic of Creative Media (POLIMEDIA) Jakarta. This book was made to fulfill the final assignment of 3rd semester of English for Spesific Purpose that was taught by Mr. Dr. Zalzulifa, M. Pd. In this project, my teammate and I were assigned to make an e-book and an audiobook entitled "Company Profile Of Food Packaging Business : SHINE DERYAN CORP"    This is our team work 1. Rury Pramesti (19030113) from publishing 2. Sulthan Denis(20320137) from broadcasting 3. Lucky Desiantia S (20310061) from photography 4. Nicholas Samuel B (20310094) from photography Link  Audiobook